Monday, June 21, 2021

Medicare Exit Exam Questions Set 1 | Medicare Refresher Exit Exam | DG Shipping Exit Exam

Medicare exit exam questions and answers & Medicare Refresher exit exam questions discussed in this blog are helpful for anyone preparing for DG Shipping Exit Exam. We have covered frequently asked questions in Medicare Exit Exam (Medicare) and Refresher in Medical Care (R- MEDICARE).

Q1.What is the proper treatment for heat stroke ? 

A. Rapid cooling of the body 

B. Covering with a blanket 

C. Exercise 

D. Drinking alcohol


Q2.First aid treatment for battery acid or alkali burns, especially

 A. Flushing with large amount of fresh water seeking medical attention ashore or by radio 

B. Wiping the affected area with clean dry and resting quietly for several hours 

C. Drying the acid or alkali with a rag followed by applying a light cream

Q3.If a person suffering from possible broken bones and internal injuries is correctly being administered first aid 

A. The person should be examined on the scene and then walked to bunk to await the arrival of medical assistance 

 B. The person should be moved from the scene but not allowed to walk on their own power without assistance 

C. The person should not be allowed to lie down where injured but should be moved to a chair or buck

 D. The person should not be moved , but made comfortable until comfortable until medical assistance arrives

Q4.Doctor recommend the RICE method for treating sprains. Rest, ice,____. And elevate ? 

A. Cover 

 B. Clean 

C. Compress 

D. comfort

Q5.what action should be taken for a patient suffering from heat exhaustion? 

A. Moved to be cool room and told to lie down 

B. Kept standing and encouraged walk slowly and continuously 

C. Given a glass of water and told to return to work after 15 minutes of rest

Q6.What danger to personnel exits when a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is discharge in small enclosed space? 

 A. Second degree burns 

B. Electric shock 

C. Suffocation 

D. Burst eardrums

Q7.Severe exposure to chlorine gas can be fatal. Chlorine gas is primarily a _______. 

A. Respiratory irritant 

B. Skin burring agent 

C. Blood poisoning agent 

D. Nerve paralyzing irritant

Q8.Which of the precaution should be taken when treating burns caused by contact with dry lime ? 

A. Water should be applied in fine spray. 

B. The burned area should be immersed in water. 

C. The entire burn area should be covered with ointment. 

D. Before washing with water, lime should be brushed away gently and removed from skin contact.

Q9.Where there are multiple accident victims, which injuries should be the FIRST to receive emergency treatment? 

A. Major multiple fractures 

B. Eye injuries 

C. Back injuries with spinal cord damage 

D. Airway and breathing difficulties 

Q10.Which procedure should NOT be done for a person who has fainted? 

A. Revive the person with smelling salts. 

B. Loosen the clothing 

 C. Lay the person horizontally 

 D. Give pain reliever.


Q11.Persons who have swallowed a non- petroleum based poison are give large quantities of warm soapy water or warm salt water to________. 

A. Induce vomiting 

B. Absorb the poison from the blood 

 C. Neutralize the poison in the blood 

D. Increase the digestive process and eliminate the poison


Q12.The best treatment for preventing traumatic shock after an accident is to ______. 

A. Have the victim exercise to increase circulation 

B. Keep the victim from electrical equipment 

C. Keep the victim warm and dry while lying down 

 D. Apply ice packs and avoid excitement

Q13.The proper stimulant for an unconscious person is 

 A. Tea 

 B. Coffee 

C. Whisky and water 

D. Ammonia inhalant

Q14.At what stage of immersion does the falling body temperature become a primary 

 A. Initial immersion 

 B. Short term immersion 

C. Long term immersion 

D. Post immersion long can a person survive in cold water? 

A. 1.5 hours 

B. 2.5 hours 

C. 4 hours 

D. 7 hours

Q16.How much percentage increase in your survival time in the sea if you are in huddle position?

 A. 20 


C. 60 

D. 75

Q17.What will do if the victim has no pulse and respiration? 

A. Live the victim as such 

B. Take him to hospital immediately 

C. Start CPR immediately

Q18.At which method, heat is lost by sweating ? 

A. Evaporation 

B. Conduction 

C. Radiation 

D. convection

Q19.Humans are 

A. Cold animal 

B. Warm animals 

 C. Adapt both warm and cold

Q20.At which stage the person body temperature will continue to drop as the water temperature 

 A. Initial immersion 

B. Short term immersion 

C. Longer term immersion 

D. Post rescue collapse


Q21.Water pulls heat from the body at what rate? 

A. 10 times faster than air 

B. 20 times faster than air 

 C. 30 times faster than air 

 D. 25 times faster than air


Q22.What symptom indicates a needs emergency care for hypothermia 

 A. Stumbling 

 B. Blueness of skin 

C. Disorientation 

D. Poor coordination

Q23.The accepted treatment for sprained ankle is: 

A. Remove the shoe and check swelling using the capillary reflex method 

 B. Keep the shoe on, apply bandage for support, elevate and apply and cold towels 

 C. Keep the shoe on, apply splint and apply heat if possible 

 D. Have the victim walk or move as soon possible to prevent stiffness

Q24.Green stick fracture is: 

A. Fracture that happens on twig 

B. Fracture that is hardly noticed 

C. Fracture in children 

 D. An irreparable fracture


Q25.What area the non absorbable sutures material 

 A. Dexon 

B. Nylon 

 C. Vicryl

Q26.What are the intravenous injection site except 

A. Veins of the dorsal 

 B. Veins of the forearm 

 C. Veins of the thigh 

 D. Veins of the foot 

Q27.What is the defibrillation energy level for the third shock 

 A. 100 J 

B. 200 J 

C. 200-300 J 

D. 360 J

28.Before giving CPR you first make sure ? 

A. They are not bleeding 

 B. They are conscious or unconscious 

 C. Are not vomiting 

D. Are not dead

Q29.The accepted treatment for a femor or thigh fracture is: 

A. Place a short padded splint on each side of the leg 

B. This type of fracture is best handled by those with special training 

 C. Move the victim before properly applying leg splint 

 D. Bind both legs with two long splints using two cravats, one above and one below the break

Q30.What is the length of adult male endotracheal tube

 A. 21 cm 

B. 22 cm 

C. 23 cm 

D. 24 cm



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Thursday, May 27, 2021

FPFF Exit Exam Questions and Answers Part - 1 | RFPFF | DG Shipping Online Exit Exam

FPFF Exit Exam Questions and Answers stated here will help students pass dg shipping exit exam with good score. In this post, we answer frequently asked questions in FPFF Exit Exam. Refresher FPFF Exit Exam Questions are same as FPFF Exit Exam Questions. We wish you all the best for your exit exam.

#fpffexitexamquestions #rfpff #exitexam #exitexamquestions

1. Which dangerous condition should be kept in mind after using a 15 pound CO2 fire extinguisher on a small oil fire on the engine room floor plates ? 

a. Possible suffocation from CO2 gas

b. Forgetting to secure the engine room ventilation system

c. CO2 gas being drawn into nearby engine or air compressor intakes

d. rekindling of the fire

2. Which of the listed classes of fire is considered as one involving electrical equipment.

a. Class A

b. Class B

c. Class C

d. Class D

3.Which of the following would be considered a class B fire

a. Electrical fire in a motor

b. Waste rag fire in the Engine Room

c. Oil fire in the engine room bilges

d. Fire in the main Switch Board

4.If ignited which material would be a class B fire

a. Magnesium

b. Paper

c. Wood

d. Diesel Oil

5. Which of the listed extinguishing agents is not suitable for fighting a liquid paint fire

a. Dry Chemical

b. Foam

c. Water

d. CO2

6. Which extinguishing agent is most effective on a mattress fire

a. CO2

b. Foam

c. Dry Chemical

d. Water

7. Extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is:

a. Water

b. CO2

c. Foam

d. Dry Chemical

8. You are fighting a fire in a water tight compartment using hoses and river water. Stability may be reduced because of____

a. Progressive down flooding

b. Reduction of water in the storage tanks

c. Increase in free surface which reduces the metacentric height

d. Reduction of KG to the minimum allowable


9. When used to fight fire, CO2 _____

a. Is effective if used promptly on an oil fire

b. Has a greater cooling effect than water

c. Is lighter than air

d. Is harmless to cargo and crew

10. CO2 as a fire fighting agent has which advantage over other agents

a. It causes minimal damage 

b. It is safer for personnel

c. It is cheaper

d. It is most effective on a per unit basis

11. To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should____

a. Cool the bulkhead around the fire

b. Remove combustibles from direct exposure

c. Close all openings to the area

d. Shut off all electrical power

12. What is not a characteristic of CO2 fire extinguishing agents

a. Effective even if ventilation is not shut down

b. Will not deteriorate in storage

c. Non corrosive

d. Effective on electrical equipment

13. Foam extinguishes a fire by

a. Destroying the burning materials

b. Chemical reaction with the burning materials

c. Absorbing the burning material

d. Smothering the burning material

14.Immediately after a class b fire has been extinguished by the use of foam crew man should:

a. Carefully apply a low velocity fog over the foam blanket

b. Wade through the foam blanket to evenly distribute the foam

c. Be careful not to disturb the foam blanket

d. Sweep the foam blanket overboard and secure fire fighting equipment.

15. You should be most concerned about a possible explosion or fire in fuel tanks_____

a. During fuelling when the fuel first strikes the tank bottom

b. During the fuelling when the fuel strikes fuel already in the tank

c. When underway as the fuel is moved by wave action

d. Shortly after fuelling when fuel vapors gather

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PST Exit Exam Questions Set 1 | R PST Exit Exam Questions and Answers | DG Shipping Exit Exam

PST exit exam questions and answers & RPST exit exam questions discussed in this blog are helpful for anyone preparing for DG Shipping Exit Exam.

We have covered frequently asked questions in Personal Survival Technique (PST) and Refresher in Personal Survival Techniques (R- PST).

 1. In an enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self contained air support system. With the engine 

running, what is the minimum period of time the  air should remain safe and breathable ?

a. 30 minutes

b. 20 minutes

c. 5 minutes

d. 10 minutes

2. What equipment is provided in a life raft to help you keep warm in cold weather ?

a. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation from the cold water.

b. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

c. At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided

d. thermal protective aids for each person

3.What is the purpose of the 'Bowsing tackle' (block and tackle) supplied at each end of the 


a. It is designed to pull the boat alongside the embarkation deck after the tracing pennants have been released

b. It enables the boat to be secured to the embarkation deck so that the wire falls can be released for changing or end for ending

c. It is a general purpose tackle to be used in any type of emergency

d. It keeps the boat alongside the embarkation deck so that the tracing pennants can be released

4. At least how often shall rescue boats (MOB) be launched with their assigned crew and 

maneuverer in the water?

a. Every week

b. Every month

c. Every two weeks

d. Every three months

5. What is a hydrostatic release unit?

a. A unit which automatically release all securing when abandon the vessel.

b. An important part connected to the sea-anchor.

c. A unit for inflating the liferaft.

d. A unit which automatically releases the liferaft/lifeboat at a depth of approx. 4 metres.

6. Every inflatable liferaft , inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units shall be serviced:

a. Every 36 months.

b. Every 18 months.

c. Every 12 months.

d. Every 24 months.

7. A person wearing lifejacket or immersion suit, shall be able to turn from a face-down to a face-up position in not more than:

a. 5 seconds

b. 15 seconds

c. 8 seconds

d. 10 seconds

8. The “off load” release system on a survival craft is designed to be activated _______

a. When there is no load on the cable

b. When there is a load on the cable

c. Only when the doors are closed

d. When the engine is started


9. How many chapters is the present SOLAS divided into

a. 14

b. 7

c. 12

10. How many VHF Survival craft transceivers are required aboard passenger ship

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

11. How can a personal familiarize himself with use of life saving appliance

a. LSA code

b. Maintenance Manual

c. Training Manual

12. The survival craft engine is fuelled with

a. Kerosine

b. Unleaded Gasoline

c. Diesel Oil

d. Liquefied Gas

13. Which code has the technical provisions for life saving appliances

a. FFA Code

b. LSA Code

c. FTP Code

14.What is the requirement for passenger ships having lifeboat.

a. Enough for 80 % of persons on board,plus liferafts for crew

b. Enough for all passengers on board, plus liferafts for 25% of passengers

c. Enough for crew, plus 80 % liferafts for passengers

d. Enough for 80% crew, plus liferafts for passengers

15. Visual inspections of survival craft on offshore drilling units, to ensure operational readiness, must be conducted at least once

a. Week

b. Month

c. Quarter

d. Year

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

PST Exit Exam Questions Set 2 | R PST Exit Exam Questions and Answers | DG Shipping Exit Exam

PST exit exam questions and RPST exit exam questions discussed in this blog are helpful for anyone preparing for DG Shipping Exit Exam.

We have covered frequently asked questions in Personal Survival Technique (PST) and Refresher in Personal Survival Techniques (R- PST).

1. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each Survival Craft shall be stowed :

a. Wherever space is available b. In a state of readiness so that 2 crew members can prepare for launching in less than 5 minutes c. On the starboard side of the Ship d. In a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion

2) Maximum capacity of lifeboat is?

a. 28 persons b. 30 persons c. 150 persons d. 100 persons

3)MOB Marker Buoy is used in case :

a.The ship is on fire b.When some crew member fall into the sea c.When the ship is sinking d.When some crew has an injury

4)What is fire wire?

a.Wire for pulling burning ships off the pier b.Wire for handling fire buckets c.Wire for pulling fire hoses up to the bridge d.Wire for securing smoke divers

5)A ship is in distress should transmit alarm signal followed by the distress call and message on one or all of the international distress frequencies?

a.550 Khz,2367 Khz and 121.5 Mhz
b.500 Khz,2182 Khz and 156.8 Mhz.
c.550 Khz,2182 Khz and 121.5 Mhz
d.550 Khz,2367 Khz and 121.5 Mhz

6) Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life saving appliances is not required by the regulations:

a.Inspections of lsa, including lifeboat equipment shall be carried out monthly to ensure they are complete and in good order
b.General emergency alarm to be tested daily
c.Survival crafts and rescue boat with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to ensure they are ready for use.
d.Lifeboat engines to be run for atleast 3 mins every week.

7) How much fresh water is available in lifeboat per person:
a.3 ltr
b.1.5 ltr
c.2 ltr
d.500 ml

8) How much fresh water is available in liferaft per person:

a.3 ltr
b.1.5 ltr
c.2 ltr
d.500 ml


9) The visible range of a parachute flare at night is approx

a.8 Nm
b.10 Nm
c.15 Nm
d.25 Nm

10) A life raft should inflate in

a.3-4 mins
b.30 to 60 secs
c.1-2 mins
d.30 mins

11) Onboard training manual is required as per

b.ISM Code

12) LSA stands for

a.Line Saving Appliance
b.Life Saving Appliance
c.Line Safety Apparatus
d.Life Safety Apparatus

13) Lifeboat should have

a.Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m buoyant line
b.Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 15 m buoyant line
c.One buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m buoyant line
d.One buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 15 m buoyant line

14)Which one of the listed requirement regarding buoyant smoke signals do not correspond to present regulations? The buoyant smoke signal shall

a.Emit smoke for at least 3 minutes when floating in calm water
b.Continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 secs under 10 cm of water
c.Not be swamped in seaway
d.Give a bright red light during the entire emission time

15) Which one of the listed requirements regarding launching appliances for survival crafts and rescue boats do not correspond to present regulations

a.Parts requiring regular maintenance by ships crew shall be readily accessible
b.The launching mechanism shall be arranged for actuating from a position within the survival craft or rescue boat in addition to a position on the ship’s deck
c.All launching appliances shall be capable of recovering survival crafts and rescue boat with crew
d.Launching appliances shall be constructed for a minimum amount of routine maintenance

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Medicare Exit Exam Questions Set 1 | Medicare Refresher Exit Exam | DG Shipping Exit Exam

Medicare exit exam questions and answers & Medicare Refresher exit exam questions discussed in this blog are helpful for anyone preparin...