Thursday, May 27, 2021

PST Exit Exam Questions Set 1 | R PST Exit Exam Questions and Answers | DG Shipping Exit Exam

PST exit exam questions and answers & RPST exit exam questions discussed in this blog are helpful for anyone preparing for DG Shipping Exit Exam.

We have covered frequently asked questions in Personal Survival Technique (PST) and Refresher in Personal Survival Techniques (R- PST).

 1. In an enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self contained air support system. With the engine 

running, what is the minimum period of time the  air should remain safe and breathable ?

a. 30 minutes

b. 20 minutes

c. 5 minutes

d. 10 minutes

2. What equipment is provided in a life raft to help you keep warm in cold weather ?

a. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation from the cold water.

b. The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2)

c. At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided

d. thermal protective aids for each person

3.What is the purpose of the 'Bowsing tackle' (block and tackle) supplied at each end of the 


a. It is designed to pull the boat alongside the embarkation deck after the tracing pennants have been released

b. It enables the boat to be secured to the embarkation deck so that the wire falls can be released for changing or end for ending

c. It is a general purpose tackle to be used in any type of emergency

d. It keeps the boat alongside the embarkation deck so that the tracing pennants can be released

4. At least how often shall rescue boats (MOB) be launched with their assigned crew and 

maneuverer in the water?

a. Every week

b. Every month

c. Every two weeks

d. Every three months

5. What is a hydrostatic release unit?

a. A unit which automatically release all securing when abandon the vessel.

b. An important part connected to the sea-anchor.

c. A unit for inflating the liferaft.

d. A unit which automatically releases the liferaft/lifeboat at a depth of approx. 4 metres.

6. Every inflatable liferaft , inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units shall be serviced:

a. Every 36 months.

b. Every 18 months.

c. Every 12 months.

d. Every 24 months.

7. A person wearing lifejacket or immersion suit, shall be able to turn from a face-down to a face-up position in not more than:

a. 5 seconds

b. 15 seconds

c. 8 seconds

d. 10 seconds

8. The “off load” release system on a survival craft is designed to be activated _______

a. When there is no load on the cable

b. When there is a load on the cable

c. Only when the doors are closed

d. When the engine is started


9. How many chapters is the present SOLAS divided into

a. 14

b. 7

c. 12

10. How many VHF Survival craft transceivers are required aboard passenger ship

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

11. How can a personal familiarize himself with use of life saving appliance

a. LSA code

b. Maintenance Manual

c. Training Manual

12. The survival craft engine is fuelled with

a. Kerosine

b. Unleaded Gasoline

c. Diesel Oil

d. Liquefied Gas

13. Which code has the technical provisions for life saving appliances

a. FFA Code

b. LSA Code

c. FTP Code

14.What is the requirement for passenger ships having lifeboat.

a. Enough for 80 % of persons on board,plus liferafts for crew

b. Enough for all passengers on board, plus liferafts for 25% of passengers

c. Enough for crew, plus 80 % liferafts for passengers

d. Enough for 80% crew, plus liferafts for passengers

15. Visual inspections of survival craft on offshore drilling units, to ensure operational readiness, must be conducted at least once

a. Week

b. Month

c. Quarter

d. Year

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